0 6763169289

Mathias Hanin (* 1988) is a multimedia artist; His work is the absorption of transdisciplinary perspectives and experimentation with materiality. Through performative and conceptual lead narratives he reflects socio-cultural phenomena and boundaries of his environment. The focus is on the expression of the relationship between the own physicality and his material semantic approaches. Mathias Hanin lives and works in Vienna, Austria.

2020: Installation – Performance – menschlicher Monolith
Ort: Wien
Konzept u. Performance

2020: Gruppenausstellung “Meisterwerke aus Privatsammlung“
Ort: Galerie der Dolomietenbank Lienz

2020: Performance “Jenga – Jenga“
Ort: Parallel – Wien
Konzept u. Performance Mathias Hanin – Ines Kaufmann

2020: Gruppenausstellung “20- DADA“
Ort: Galerie Hollerei – Wien

2020: Solo – Exhibition “Hase Affe Nuss Igel Nuss“ by Mathias Hanin
Ort: aa-collectionsgallery-Wien

Art Coefficient: 1
