
Born in Rome (1941). I started to enchant myself on the form of the Alphabet from the first grade and I gradually learned to read and write, while listening to music of all kinds that my Mother (writer) and my Father (Architect of the plastic and rationalist current) chose and spread it to educate us to live with the changes of History and with those of Heaven and Earth. Since I was 7 my really free expression is Painting, where existential and aesthetic feelings and emotions find their time space in the unique and synchronous synthesis of the work. I love enormously the COLORS and their infinite possibilities of recombination and so it is also for the possibilities given by the LINE to be itself, but also to create shapes , borders , openings , images and figures of Dream. Not to close myself to the bossy suggestions of the forms in which it is presented to the eyes of all the Real I love to take photos and shoot. They are "things" and situations that I find particularly beautiful

Art Coefficient: 0.5038
