Based in Vienna, Austria, Faith Hampton studied art at the University of North Texas. Faith paints, draws and collages in many layers, exploring the joys and frustrations of communication and collaboration. In these 30 works, Faith struggles with a set of limited visual tools to express the essence of visions recorded in the late 6th century book of Ezekiel. With her limited understanding of something the original writer described only with vague simile, the impressions morph and evolve into something that both reveals and obscures the original thought to become a new story as well as an accidental misrepresentation of someone else’s true story. Images seized from one source are transmitted onto a surface and mutated to fit our own limitations and cultural preconceptions; as much as we desire to fully understand the mind of another, as well as to collaborate and participate in their work, we fail unavoidably to depict their subjective experience.
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